Google's latest core update. What you need to know

Google's latest core update. What you need to know

Google's latest core update. What you need to know

Google has once again fine-tuned its algorithms with the rollout of the August 2023 Core Update.
Google has once again fine-tuned its algorithms with the rollout of the August 2023 Core Update.
Google has once again fine-tuned its algorithms with the rollout of the August 2023 Core Update.

Sep 19, 2023



min read

Korcan Hekimoglu


Digital Marketing Data Analyst

In this article, we'll walk you through the key insights from this update and what steps you, as a website owner, should consider taking to ensure your online presence remains strong.

August 2023 core update

Google initiated the rollout of its August 2023 Core Update on August 22, 2023, and it concluded on September 7, 2023. This marks the second significant algorithm change this year, following updates in March and supplementary reviews in February and April.

Source: Google Status Dashboard

What are the implications to your website?

  • Algorithmic evolution: The August 2023 Core Update is part of Google's ongoing efforts to refine its search algorithms, prioritising the delivery of more valuable and relevant search results. Notably, Google's updates focus on assessing content quality and relevance rather than targeting specific pages or sites.

  • Quality content matters: If your business is experiencing a dip in website performance, concentrate on improving the quality of your content rather than seeking quick fixes.

  • Self-examination: You can evaluate your content by asking essential questions. For example:

    • Is your content original?

    • Does it provide valuable insights to your visitors?

    • Is it well written and well-structured?

    • Does the page title summarise the content?

    • Is it error free and written by subject matter experts?

  • Long-term focus: Improving your website's content may not yield instant results in terms of rankings. It's crucial to understand that the impact of such improvements is often a gradual and long-term process, aligning with Google's commitment to delivering the best search results over time.

  • Monitoring is vital: Staying vigilant and consistently monitoring the effects of Google's algorithm updates through website analytics is indispensable for businesses reliant on maintaining a strong online presence. This practice enables you to adapt and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy.

Working with Codehouse

Google's August 2023 Core Update reflects dedication to enhancing the quality of search results.

In a dynamic digital landscape, staying informed and adapting to search algorithm updates is a fundamental aspect of sustaining a robust online presence. Google's guidance underscores the importance of prioritising people-centric content, reaffirming that quality content reigns supreme in the realm of SEO.

At Codehouse, we echo the sentiment that quality content remains the cornerstone of effective SEO.  And although immediate changes in rankings may not occur, a persistent focus on  quality content can lead to improved search performance and heightened online visibility.

Keep an eye on our insights section,  as we’ll be updating you on new Google updates.

If you're looking for some help with Google, or some SEO guidance, our Digital Experience team can help. Get in touch.


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