Mar 20, 2023
min read

Peter Lambrou
Sitecore Optimisation Consultant MVP Strategist
What if you run a Software-As-a-Service (SaaS) business. Should your content marketing approach differ from the more 'traditional' approach? In short, slightly...
Why? Because compared to others, SaaS companies have unique challenges when it comes to connecting to their audiences through compelling content.
SaaS companies sell a service online via a subscription service. That means they have two main goals:
New customer acquisition (subscribers/lead generation)Existing customer retention
This short guide will outline what your content marketing team should be doing to get the best traction from its efforts. We'll explore:
Understanding your SaaS customer
Establishing a SaaS funnel
The best channels for SaaS content marketing
Content process and creation
1. Understanding your SaaS customer
Content marketing is important. SaaS companies can cater to both B2B and B2C customers. Netflix and Spotify for instance are B2C SaaS companies offering different levels of subscription from basic to premium. In B2B sectors, SaaS companies like Amazon Web Services offer subscription services to both small and enterprise sized businesses.
Whatever type of SaaS business you run, your marketing team has to guide target customers towards the 'New customer acquisition' conversion point, as opposed to other types of conversion experience like booking a test drive. Your team also needs to ensure existing customers stay engaged.
SaaS content strategies vary based on a variety of parameters like audience and location. That's why it's vital to have a firm grasp of your customers.
Using market, competitor and keyword research can address important questions like the ones outlined below. Doing so will give you a firmer grasp on what makes your target audience tick.
What’s my audience’s problem or objective?
How does my SaaS product help them with that problem or objective?
How do they find my business or solutions like mine?
What does my audience actually search for on the Internet?
What was the single best piece of content with the most social shares and the most traffic?
Why did a particular piece of content resonate so well with my audience?
What other pieces of content worked and why?
2. Establishing a SaaS funnel
What's a SaaS funnel? Essentially, it's a sales funnel for SaaS businesses which consists of:
Top Funnel: Where does your audience learn about new SaaS solutions?
Bottom Funnel: How does your audience compare different solutions?
Funnel Expansion: What keeps your audience loyal to your SaaS solutions?
Using qualitative and quantitative data insights will help you establish your SaaS funnel and lay the groundwork of your content strategy.
3. The best channels for SaaS content marketing
This depends on the SaaS solution you're offering and what stage of the customer lifecycle your audience is in. For example, for those in the Awareness stage use SEO, blog articles, conferences and exhibitions to generate awareness of your SaaS solutions.
From awareness comes Education. This is where more detailed content formats are produced to educate your audience on the benefits for your solution. Consider channels like SEO and blog posts, email marketing and social channels.
After you've made your potential customers aware of your business and have educated them it's time for them to Convert. Case studies, product sheets, demos and third party reviews are great ways to turn prospects into customers and to retain existing ones.
What about Retention? As well as your level of service, its quality and how your business deals with customer problems, your content retains your customer base. Consider blog posts, new product/feature demos, webinars and more...
Of course, depending on your business there are other channels you can use that align with your KPIs and goals, your audience and build brand awareness.
And more...

4. Content process and creation
You know your goals and your audience. You've established your funnel and have determined the best channels to use. Now it's time to get creative and start producing your content.
Set your stall out for creating and delivering effective and compelling content. Consider the following:
What story do you want to convey at each stage of the funnel?
Have you established a theme? (will you focus on problems/solutions, cost etc.)
What type of content will suit the above? (infographics? gamification?)
What's your business's tone of voice and does it reflect your brand?
Have you established editorial guidelines for your teams and external agencies to follow?
How often will you publish your content?
With everything in place you can start getting those creative juices flowing. This ideation stage lays the foundations for the visuals and messages you’ll be communicating to your audience.
You’re now ready to Plan and Deliver your SaaS content marketing strategy. It’s time to share your story and to see your strategy to come to life.
Working with Codehouse
At Codehouse we support our customers in their content marketing efforts. Our Digital Experience team provides the best guidance for creating engaging content that reflects your brand’s values and drives conversions. Get in touch to find out more.